Brief history of Isaac Burnett founder of GloryBarn Church

In 1926 at the age of 54 God started working on Isaac Burnett to live a holy life. Isaac had attended church for 40 years. He was a Sunday school superintendant for many years and had also taught a Sunday school class, but he said he had never lived a holy sanctified life. During the summer of 1926 Isaacs wife's (Dolly) cousin, Dave Troutman, was in the area visiting relatives. Word got around that he was a preacher so he was asked to preach at a local church then the meeting was moved to the old Ditney School House where they saw lives sanctified and healed. In the summer of 1927 Brother Troutman returned to the area and set up a 40x60 tent for a revival. The tent meeting started July 1st, 1927. He had brought his wife and daughters with him. They played the horns and guitar and called themselves the Four Piece Family Orchestra. Brother Troutman would take the stand to preach to such crowds they have never seen before. They prayed until things shook, they talked in tongues while some looked on and said they were crazy. Isaac Burnett had been stricken with TB and serious heart trouble, the doctor told him he would never sing again because his right lung was completely gone. On July 15th, 1927 he attended a grove prayer meeting and was slayed to the ground by the spirit, at that moment his heart trouble and TB were healed. He never had anymore symptoms of TB or heart trouble again - only one hallelujah in his soul!

The Beginning of the Glory Barn

In 1927 Isaac converted a stripping room for tobacco in his tobacco barn into a place to have church services. This was the beginning of the old Glory Barn. It was said his wife Dolly would spend hours praying in the old barn. Isaac became so engrossed in prayer himself that he tied a white flag on a fence post to remind him to stop often and pray. He kept the white flag flying until the day he died. In about 1944 some of the church men suggested to Isaac that they build a church. Some gave money while others furnished their labor. The church has seen many moves of God throughout the years. In 2017 the vision that the current members had for a new church was brought to fruition. We tried to preserve our history of the past by recreating the inside to look like a barn. We moved into the new Sanctuary June 2018. Our first service was Fathers Day, June 27th, 2018. Many of Isaacs grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren are members of the Glorybarn today. We understand without God in it the Church is nothing more than a building, we strive daily to keep the spirit of God moving among us. 

Isaac & Dolly Burnett